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Transparency Mississippi

Pre-Defined Queries

Template Queries

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Template Tutorial

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Load Information for SAAS

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Template Queries allow you the flexibility to create a new customized report by defining selection criteria (e.g. filter on Budget Year = 1999), grouping or sorting, and choosing desired columns. See the Template Tutorial for online instructions on how to create, modify, and save report templates.

Currently has 4 areas of Template Queries: Financial, Payroll, Property, Travel.

Agency building information as reported to the Office of the State Auditor’s Property Control Division. This information is updated quarterly and is available for Accounting Year 2004 - 2007.

 Furniture and Equipment
Agency furniture and equipment information as reported to the Office of the State Auditor’s Property Control Division. This information is updated monthly and is available for Accounting Year 2004 - 2007.

Agency land information as reported to the Office of the State Auditor’s Property Control Division. This information is updated quarterly and is available for Accounting Year 2004 - 2007.

 Land Improvement
Agency land improvement information as reported to the Office of the State Auditor’s Property Control Division. This information is updated quarterly and is available for Accounting Year 2004 - 2007.

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