Transparency Mississippi
Pre-Defined Queries
Template Queries
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Daily, Weekly and Monthly Load Information for SAAS
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Template Queries allow you the flexibility to create a new customized report by defining selection criteria (e.g. filter on Budget Year = 1999), grouping or sorting, and choosing desired columns. See the Template Tutorial for online instructions on how to create, modify, and save report templates.
Currently has 4 areas of Template Queries: Financial, Payroll, Property, Travel.
Within the Financial Template Queries, has 4 areas: Budget, Expenditures, Projects, and Revenue.
Financial | |
| Approval Log This query provides the online approvals submitted for applicable SAAS documents and the user who added/removed the approvals. The data source for this query is the SAAS ALOG table and is available for budget years 2009 to 2014.
| Portal Convenience Fees This query provides the 'convenience fees' collected from users who purchase licenses/services via (the State of Mississippi portal) by using credit cards, debit cards or electronic checks. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.
| Transaction Detail Agency detail general ledger information by Accounting Code (i.e. Reporting Category Code, Project Code, Balance Sheet Account Code), Transaction Number, Fund, Agency, Budget Year, Accounting Year, and Month. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.
NOTE: If you are creating a query to view expenditure or revenue information only, you will need to create a filter for the account type. (i.e. for expense, use account types 22 and/or 23)
Budget | |
If you are running a query to view a single Accounting Month within the Budget Year you will need to create a filter with Accounting Month equal to the accounting period of the transactions (i.e. the 5th accounting period is accounting month 05 for the month of November).
If you are running a query to view the YTD information within the Budget Year, do not create a filter for Accounting Month. | |
| Agency - Level Budget and Expenditures Template This query provides the agency established budget at the org code level along with the expenditures, encumbrances, and preencumbrances charged against the org code. This information was updated after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 1996 to 2014.
| Agency/Major Object Code Budget and Expenditure Template This query provides the agency established budget at the major object code level along with the expenditures, encumbrances, and preencumbrances charged against the budgeted amounts. This information was updated after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 1993 to 2014.
Expenditures | |
| Expenditure by $ Agency expenditure summary information by accounting codes, (i.e major object code, minor object code, reporting category, project code, sub project, phase), by accounting month, by budget year. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Year 1993 to 2014.
| Expenditures by Vendor This query obtains only records that have a vendor number. Agency expenditure summary information by vendor, by accounting codes (i.e. fund number, major object, minor object), by accounting month, by budget year, etc. This information was updated weekly and is available for Budget Year 1993 to 2014.
Projects | |
| Project Budget/Expenditures by Org Summary Agency budget and expenditure summary information complete with project charges by budget year, by agency, by org, by major object code, by project code, by sub project and by phase as found on the SAAS PRBU table. This information was updated weekly and is provided for Budget Year 2002 to 2014.
NOTE: As of month data for 200307 thru 200406 for budget year 2004 is not available and as of month data for 200407 for budget year 2005 is not available.
| Project Budget/Expenditures Summary Agency budget and expenditure summary information complete with project charges by as of month, by agency, by project code, by sub project and by phase as found on the SAAS PRBL table. This information was updated weekly and is provided for March 2001 to June 2014.
| Project Detail Transaction Agency detail project ledger information for all PX transactions by accounting code (i.e. project code, sub project, phase, balance sheet account code), transaction number, fund, agency, budget year, accounting year, and month. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is provided for Budget Year 1999 to 2014.
Revenue | |
| Revenue by $ Agency revenue summary information by accounting codes (i.e. fund number, revenue source code), by accounting month, by budget year. This information was updated weekly and is available for Budget Year 1996 to 2014.
| Revenue by Provider This query obtains only records that have a provider number. Agency revenue summary information by provider, by accounting codes (i.e. fund number, revenue source code), by accounting month, by budget year. This information was updated weekly and is available for Budget Year 1993 to 2014.