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Pre-Defined Queries

Template Queries

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Load Information for SAAS

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PreDefined Queries are designed to answer specific questions. There is a specific set of prompts for you to create your questions and generate a pre-formatted report.

Currently has 6 general areas of PreDefined Queries: Payroll, Projects, Transaction, Travel, Vendor and Warrant.

 Earning Code Query
Provides a summary of cost for an accounting month for an agency based on SPAHRS earning code and is available for Budget Year 2003 forward.

 SPAHRS Leave Balance
Provides employee accrual leave balance information as recorded in SPAHRS. This information is updated after SPAHRS month-end processing with a one month lag (i.e month-end processing in February will pull and load January’s leave balance data). It is available beginning August, 1998 or the date your agency went live on SPAHRS.

 Project Information
This query provides the following project information for a specific agency and a specific project: project description, project manager, project start date, project end date, sub project, sub project descriptions, phase and phase descriptions. This information was updated weekly since March 2001 is available through June 2014.

 Project Budget/Expenditures Summary
Agency budget and expenditure summary information complete with project charges by as of month, by agency, by project code, by sub project and by phase as found on the SAAS PRBL table. This information is available March 2001 through June 2014.

 Balance Sheet Detail Transaction
This query provides detail accounting line information for a specific balance sheet account code by fund and agency. This information is updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.

 Provider Number
This query provides the amount an agency has billed and received from a specific provider for a specific month within a budget year. This query will assist you in finding transaction information for CR and IN transactions. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.

 Transaction Detail
This query provides detail accounting line information for a transaction, including transaction types such as CR, PV, PO, JV, etc. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.

 Trip Information
This query provides the following trip information based on the SAAS agency number and trip number entered by the user; travel type, trip from date, trip to date, travel code, travel destination, travel meeting title, meeting purpose. This information is available in MERLIN once the first payment has been initiated against the trip. This information is updated upon completion of a SPAHRS travel payroll run and is provided as of July 1, 2000.

 Expenditures by Vendor Name
This query provides the amount the State of Mississippi has spent with a specific vendor, by agency, for a specific month within a budget year. This query searches for the vendor name using what is typed into the Vendor Name prompt. The report will return any name that starts with what is entered in the prompt box. This information was updated weekly and is available for Budget Years 1993 to 2014.

 Expenditures to Cities and Counties
Interested in payments made to cities and counties by your agency? Click this report to see the information for your agency by budget year, accounting quarter and fund number. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.

 Vendor Information
This query provides the following current vendor information based on criteria entered by the user: vendor name, vendor number, vendor address (complete with street, city, state and zip code). The user may enter a vendor name and all vendor names that match will be returned, the user may enter a vendor's federal tax id number complete with a hyphen and all vendor federal tax id numbers with the exact match will be returned or the user may enter a vendor number and the vendor with the exact match for the entered vendor number will be returned. This information was updated each night and is available through June 30, 2014. NOTE: The user should only use one of the three options to achieve best results.

 Vendor Invoices Summary
This query provides the invoice number, the payment voucher number and warrant information for a vendor for an agency. This query will assist you in finding what invoices have been paid for a vendor and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014. Also included is information regarding the status of the warrant, whether the warrant has cleared, has been voided or is still open. The warrant information is limited to cleared and opened warrants for 1 year as of today's date, plus all voided warrants currently stored in SAAS system since 2007 through June 30, 2014.

 Vendor Number
This query provides the amount an agency has spent with a specific vendor for a specific month within a budget year. This query will assist you in finding transaction numbers for types of transactions, for example PV or PO. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.

 Warrant Number Cleared
This query provides information about the status of a warrant number. You must know the warrant number to run this query. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing. Available information includes cleared and all voided warrants currently stored in SAAS system since 2007 through June 30, 2014.

 Warrant Number Issued
This query provides the warrant number issued for a specific transaction. You must know the payment voucher (PV) number to run this query. This information was updated daily after SAAS nightly processing and is available for Budget Years 2007 to 2014.

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