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Pre-Defined Queries

Template Queries

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Daily, Weekly and Monthly Load Information for SAAS

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Template Queries allow you the flexibility to create a new customized report by defining selection criteria (e.g. filter on Budget Year = 1999), grouping or sorting, and choosing desired columns. See the Template Tutorial for online instructions on how to create, modify, and save report templates.

Currently has 4 areas of Template Queries: Financial, Payroll, Property, Travel.

If you are using a date field, i.e. Void Date, in your query please be aware that any transactions where this field is blank will show the following entry in the field '12:00:00 am'. This is a system default.
 Earning Code
Provides employee earning code information as paid in SPAHRS for Budget Year 2003 forward. This query will return data only for users with payroll access.

 Earning Code Data for Detail Users
Provides employee earning code and deduction code information as paid in SPAHRS for Budget Year 2003 forward. This query will return data only for those users with ‘payroll detail’ level access.

 Payroll Detail Transaction
Employee level payroll detail transaction information by accounting coding block (fund number, project code, reporting category code), transaction number, agency, budget year and accounting month. This information is updated upon completion of a SPAHRS payroll run. SPAHRS transactions are provided as of July 1, 2002. This query will return data only for those users with ‘payroll detail’ level access.

 Payroll Summary for Summary and Detail Users
Provides employee summary payroll data including employee deductions at the accounting code block level as paid in SPAHRS for Budget Year 2003 forward. This query will return data only for those users with ‘payroll summary’ or ‘payroll detail’ level access.

 Payroll Transactions for Accounting Users
Provides employee summary payroll data for adjusted gross and employer matching cost amounts at the accounting code block level as paid in SPAHRS for Budget Year 2003 forward. This query will return data only for users with payroll access.

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